Style: Poetry
Writer's Statement: I wrote this poem during an exercise at a writer's workshop. The goal was to keep writing and not stop for thirty minutes, so my strategy was to count down from a certain number and add whatever details came to mind. After the workshop, I revisited this piece and edited it into what it is today.
26 is when I hope to have my dream job
I don’t know what it is, just that it has to be big
25 is when I hope to travel to Morocco with college friends
Whichever friends agree to go, I don’t mind
24 is when I hope to be free from school
Freedom would be nice
23 is when I’ll still be deciding on things
What things? Not sure, just that there will be plenty
22 I’ll be nearing the end of school
21 but I’ll have already had my first drink
20 and I’ll feel so alive
19 and I’ll know I’m really growing up
18 and I’ll realize I’m like all the seniors before me
who are leaving the town they’ve spent perhaps a decade or more in
17 and I’m here right now typing in my white-walled childhood bedroom,
believing that I’m still 16 or even 15 on some days
or maybe not even that old yet
maybe 14 and celebrating her birthday with her two close friends
still feeling like she’s 13
but thinking like she’s 12
still remembering what it was like to be 11
who at that time thought that was so old
much older than 10
who was celebrating double digits
having come from 9
thinking that the difference between that age and 8 was so big
but not as big the difference as between 7 and 6
because that was kindergarten to first grade
and you could only go to the big kid playground when you were in first grade
not when you were 5, who could hardly even remember the birthday you turned 4
not to mention when you turned 3
which at the time had felt so close to when you turned 2 for your parents
who were still thinking about when you were just 1 years old
and even brighter in their memories
when you were 0.